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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Caffeine Content

Can you believe this? Just one 16oz. can of Monster has 160mg of caffeine in it. I just cant believe it. I mean that could be why allot of people have health problems dealing with Monster drinking. I know that for me I have problems with drinking Monster, I am a nonstop Monster drinker, I drink it constantly, and this is because I have a Caffeine Addiction. Caffeine addictions are the worst, the worst ever to have. Even if you are just barely addicted to Caffeine, you still can have problems with this, take this from a person who knows. I am one who suffers from addictions, really bad addictions, like I said I am a nonstop Monster drinker. If I don't have the Caffeine in my system for even a few hours I suffer really badly. I shake and I get dizzy and headaches.

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